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A_TiffyFit's Booklikes

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The Earth Painter (Painter, #1)

The Earth Painter (Painter, #1) - Melissa Turner Lee,  Teresa Bagwell Beaudry I received this book as part of its promotional tour in exchange for a honest review. And…I don’t even know where to start with this review. The way it ended, just a few minutes ago for me, was heart-twingeing! The moment I finish writing this, I’m purchasing the second book. Both are only 99 cents for March, so maybe you should stop reading my review now and just go buy it. Buy them both. Skip your coffee Monday morning and buy these two for your Kindle instead. Yes. It was that good. This is a different kind of paranormal/supernatural YA fantasy. Not a fang or a claw or a magic spell in sight. Instead you have the Sculptor and his painters and his sciences and humans. The characters were so relatable. I’m sure you’ll find instances in your own life that make you sympathize with Holly, understand her position about how to help Shelby even when Shelby doesn’t want help, those first flutterings of feelings towards someone, and learning something about yourself. I couldn’t put this book down as I just had to follow the story of Holly and Theo and the painters. The world Melissa Turner Lee created for us and the origin story is so vivid and sweet and different. I must say that I was a bit worried that it was going to turn out to be a proselytizing kind of book with an agenda when I realized Theo was giving us a creation story of sorts, but it wasn’t that at all. This is geared towards Young Adults and sometimes YA books are just too…YA-geared to be enjoyable to the adult reader. This is not the case here. Without being overly wordy, the world is painted for you quite clearly. It is vivid and rich in its realism with a touch of magic that comes from Theo and his science buddies and other painters. Lovely, lovely book. Buying book 2 now!